The list of Frequently Asked Questions has been organized into several categories. Please click a category below to view the questions and answers for that category.

How often are life certificates due?

Life certificates are due every three months. They are sent out March, June, September, and December and should be returned by the end of April, July, October, January respectively.

How should life certificates be submitted?

Life certificates can be mailed to the Accountant General’s Department or be delivered by hand.

Can life certificates be faxed or emailed?

No, all life certificates must be in the original form, signed and certified.

When pension is suspended are the arrears paid upon resumption?

Yes, when payments are resumed the arrears from suspended periods are paid.

If I do not get a life certificate in the mail, what is the next course of action?

You may collect a bar coded form at the office or request that a copy be emailed. or mailed.

If I die, will my family be able to get my pension?

Your pension cease when you die. Public Officer who contributed to the Civil Service Family Benefit Scheme (W&O), children under 19 years and spouse (married) will benefit from a pension. Public Officers who die in service, widows/widowers and children under 19 years also benefit from a pension.

If I am receiving a widows/widowers pension, will the pension cease if I remarry?

If you are a public officer’s widow/widower your pension continues if you remarry, however in the case of Police (JCF/ISCF) and Soldier’s (JDF) widow/widower the pension ceases if you should remarry.

Do pensioners pay taxes?

Yes. Once your pension is more than the tax threshold you pay 25% income tax on the difference.

Can pension be sent directly to a bank account?

Yes. We ask that all pensioners complete banking instructions to have payment sent directly to your bank account. The forms may be collected at the office or downloaded from the website. In the absence of the form, you may write a letter to the Department with the banking information (account number, name of financial institution, and location). The letter must be sign, dated and certified by a Justice of the Peace/Notary Public. A bank account verification must accompany the from/letter.
Can monthly pension cheques be collected at the Accountant General’s Department?
No, some arrangement must be made to send payment directly to your bank account or advise us of your reason to have payments sent to a Post Office.

How can I change my address, banking information or any of my personal details on my file?

All changes to your file must be done in writing with you signature affixed and certified by a Justice of the Peace/Notary Public. Change forms are available on our website.

Can Documents regarding my payment be faxed or emailed to the AGD?

All documents must be sent to the Department in its original form. If you reside overseas the copied document must be certified by a notary public and warded to the Department.

I am receiving less than the minimum pension, when will this change?

If you are receiving below minimum pension, and you have completed ten (10) years of service you will be brought up to the minimum pension, upon attaining age 55 .

When am I due full pension?

Full pension (restoration) is due after 12½ years of retirement. This is paid automatically and is equivalent to 1/3 of your basic pension.

When am I due an increase?

Increase is paid each year based on the Government’s discretion. Pensioners except widows and dependents should be in retirement for at least 2 ½ years and should be over the age 55.

Can I get health benefits now that I am a pensioner?

You may apply for the Government Pensioners health plan. You may complete the forms at AGD or at a Sagicor Office. The deduction orders will be submitted to the AGD and the contribution will be deducted from your pension. Contributions are currently $847.40 for individual benefits and $1,462.60 for family benefits (spouse only).

May I continue to use the Sagicor card I received while in the service?

You will continue to use your card while on pre-retirement leave. However, during this time you must apply for the Government Pensioners Health Plan. After the deductions have commenced from the pension, payments are forwarded to Sagicor and after 3 months deduction has been forwarded, Sagicor will send you a new card.

Who is eligible for a Motor Vehicle Loan?

  • Offered to appointed travelling officers that works within the Central Government
  • Approved by The Ministry of Finance and Public Services
  • Upon approval the package is forwarded to the Accountant General’s Department for payment

What is the maximum amount offer for a Motor Car Loan?

  • New Vehicle:   $2,500,000.00
  • Used Vehicle:   $1,500,000.00 (Up to 5 yrs)

What is the repayment amount for New Vehicle?

  • $1,000,000.00 – 108 monthly Installments of $9,259.26 @ 3% interest (Reducing Balance)
  • $1,500,000.00 -108 monthly Installments of $13,888.89 – No interest
  •  Total monthly repayment: $23,148.15 excluding interest

What is the repayment amount for Used Vehicle?

  • $500,000.00 – 84 monthly Installments of $5,952.39 @ 3% interest (Reducing Balance)
  • $1,000,000.00 – 84 monthly Installments of $11,904.77 – No interest
  • Total monthly repayment: $17,857.16

What is the maximum amount granted for Tertiary Assistance Loan?

  • $500,000.00

What is the current interest rate on Interest bearing loans?

3% per annum calculated on the reducing-balance

Does an Applicant have to be permanent employed?

No,  however the applicant must be employed to the Public Sector for 2 continuous years.

What is the cost of an Official Receipt book?

Official Receipt books are sold in batches of ten (10).  The cost for each batch of ten (10) is JMD$4,500.00. Payment can be made by cash or Manager’s cheque made payable to Accountant General for Miscellaneous Revenue.

What are the requirements for purchasing an Official Receipt book?

Payment must be accompanied by a duly completed Requisition form (in duplicate) bearing the stamp of the  Ministry, Department or Agency (MDA)  and the authorized signature. At the point of collection, the MDA’s representative/bearer must present a valid Government-issued form of identification such as a Drivers License, Passport or Elector Registration Identification Card. Please note that ID cards issued by MDAs are not accepted.

In cases where payment was made via direct deposit, proof of deposit must be presented along with items required above.

What is a mortgage deposit payment?

Mortgage deposit payments are payments into the Treasury to liquidate an outstanding mortgage on a property, when the mortgagor/borrower is unable to locate the mortgagee/lender. Payment must be made in accordance with the requirements of the Registration of Titles Act and must be made by an attorney acting on behalf of the borrower.


What documents should be submitted when making mortgage deposit payments?

The following are required to facilitate the acceptance of mortgage deposit payments by the Treasury and the issue of receipts therefor:


  1. Manager’s cheque for outstanding mortgage plus interest made payable to the Accountant General
  2. Cover letter from Attorney making reference to the mortgage, and the volume and folio numbers for the respective property
  3. Copy of Certificate of Title
  4. Statutory Declaration signed by mortgagor and certified by a Justice of the Peace
  5. Proof that the mortgagee is deceased, or is no longer in operation or that attempts have been made to contact same such as two advertisements placed a week apart, to run over a two week period, in at least one of the two major newspapers in Jamaica (i.e The Gleaner or The Jamaica Observer).
  6. Copy of Application for discharge of mortgage which will be submitted to the Office of Titles (Optional).

What methods of payment are accepted by the Accountant General's Department?

Cash, company or manager’s cheque made payable to the Accountant General’s Department.


What are Court Orders and how do Court Orders impact operations in the Treasury Deposits Unit?

Court Orders represent instructions from a Court of Law with respect to a specific case.  Monies paid into the Treasury pursuant to an Order for Payment Into Treasury can only be retrieved by way of an Order for Payment Out of Treasury.  Examples of cases from which Court Orders may derive include:

  • Civil Cases being tried before the Parish Court, formerly the Resident Magistrates’ Court
  • Civil and Commercial Cases being tried before the Supreme Court
  • Cases that are brought before the Court of Appeal