
This Division is responsible for the execution of the treasury functions related to consolidated fiscal accounting and reporting, banking administrative authorizations and Government shares in public bodies. The Division is also responsible for implementing systems and procedures that will be in keeping with sound public fiscal management practices and that the accounts of the Consolidated Fund are prepared in a standardized, timely and accurate manner.

Division Goals

  • To establish, implement and maintain systems of Government Accounting and Reporting that extends to all MDA’s and non-commercial Public Bodies;
  • To establish and implement systems that allow for the safe custodianship of share values, and maintain an accounting of all Government investments in Public Bodies;
  • To devise strategies for monitoring MDA books of accounts to ensure that all revenue collected on behalf of the Government are lodged to the Consolidated Fund promptly;
  • To ensure that all non-revenue Government bank accounts are closed to the TSA and issue authority for the opening and closing of accounts.